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Join us:

Hello, on the next few pages you will find different ways that you can be a part of the festivities here in Pleasantville. 

For example: 

1. Become a contestant in our annual Pleasantville Pagent. 

2. Do you own your own Classic car, Ratrod, souped up muscle car or maybe just a sweet ride of any kind bring it on down to the car show.

3. If your really into the theme of things get a group of friends and build yourself a float for the Parade.

4. Maybe your into the festival scene and have a food truck or possible are really creative and want to sell your creations then sign up for a spot at our festival.  

5. If none of those things fit your taste we can always use volunteers to help us with the plethora of other things that it takes to make this festival work. 

So take a little time and ask yourselves, 

"How can I be apart of this years Festival"


We welcome anyone and everyone.  Come on out and join us, even if it's it only to enjoy the fun of the festival.  



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